Monday, June 04, 2012

Foursquare is getting facelifting this week

Location Based Social Network Foursquare will get a major facelifting of its app this week, according to 4sq tweets:

May 30 tweet: ”Put on your fanciest fancy pants. The all new foursquare is coming soon! Get excited! #allnew4sq.”
June 1 tweet: “It’s a perfect day out and you’re finishing up at lunch. The #allnew4sq has ideas for what to do next. Coming soon!”
June 2 tweet: “The burning question: what should we do tonight? The #allnew4sq is coming this week!”

Looking at the screenshots of new Foursquare app from Twitter we are assuming that the service will finally make use of incredible amount of data that they own (2 billion check-ins and 20 million users since launching in March 2009) to generate contextually targeted venue recommendations based on the Explore tab (that was launched in mobile apps in March 2011 and in January 2012 on the web).

It seems that Google is as well preparing itself for the battle as it recently blew up its Google Place pages with what it calls Google+ Local. Competition is good. We are looking forward for the upcoming changes. 

source: The Verge, Foursquare


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